A downloadable game

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The great cannons of the Urchin Moon aim low tonight. When they aim at you, will you be prepared?

Urchin's Fall

                 Urchin's Fall is a TTRPG set in a post-post-apocalyptic fantasy world ravaged by magic-fueled mutants, the ever-present corruption of man, and an army of spacefaring shapeshifters who will stop at nothing to exterminate humanity.  In a world where extinction is a constant threat, and where ancient knowledge lays hidden away on dusty hard drives, players take the role of spellcasting Channelers, using their elemental powers throughout their adventures.

                 This game includes character-building tools and example characters, as well as details on the original setting. The game includes detailed lore sections that focus on this world's nations, factions, history, culture, religion, and technology. In a starry sky sundered by ancient machines and vengeful gods, what legends will you unearth, what foes will you slay, and who will you choose to become?


  • 171 Page Player's Handbook -- (54418 word count)
  • Downloadable Character Sheet
  • 6 Original Species
  • 8 Unique Classes
  • 112 Elemental Spells
  • Countless Synergies -- intentional or otherwise.

New in Alpha v2:

  • Completely Reorganized, Re-Edited, and Rebalanced
  • Gameplay Reworks: Postmerc, Starchaser, Shoss, Academic, Locksmith & more
  • New Gameplay: Terrain Effects, Status Effects, Attacks of Opportunity, Weaving
  • New Lore: Technology, Religion, Factions
  • Dozens of New Hand-Drawn Illustrations
  • New Class: Toreador
  • 30 New Spells
  • Sample Character Sheets

What's Next:

  • Enemy Catalogue
  • Treasures and Relics
  • Adventure Module #1


Game Design, Writing, and Character Sheet by Max Doutstats L.W.

Logo by Edison Estes

Editing (Chapters 1-6) by Taggerung Dumont C.H.

Special Thanks to the innumerable others who have provided feedback and support throughout development. I couldn't have done it without you.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Urchin's Fall: Player's Handbook v2 65 MB
Blank Character Sheet v2 197 kB
Pre-Filled Sample Character Sheets 3.7 MB

Development log

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